
Jak Lingko

JakLingko provides an exciting experience for customers using all public transportation modes in the DKI Jakarta and beyond.

The Story

JakLingko is the transformation of OK-Otrip that provides integrated DKI Jakarta transportation systems, including road integration, management integration, and payment integration. It is the biggest transportation mode integration in Indonesia. The integration includes Transjakarta, KRL Commuterline, MRT, LRT and local angkot. The word Lingko is derived from the type of management of the rice crops in Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur, which forms the spider web pattern. The name JakLingko reflects integrated or networked public transportation systems, much the way a spider web does.

We designed the JakLingko logogram adapted from 'Lingko' form, concepts and farming system. It begins at the hollow middle point of the logogram, which serves as the 'Lodok' or center of the Lingko farming system. The Lodok on our logo design describes JakLingko as the main centre for the entire public transport network in Jakarta.

This dynamic impression reflected in the shape and composition of the Jak Lingko brand is intended to underline the always forward-focused, tri-dimensional service of JakLingko. Not to become a stagnant and passive brand but an integrated transportation brand that can sense its benefits and coexist with the people of Jakarta.